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Support For Clubs:


England Kickboxing are proud to be able to use WKO resources for the level of support which is offered freely and to highest of standards.

To achieve your WKO Covid-19 Awareness Courses.

Watch the WKO Awareness training course tutorials,

when complete and you are ready then you can take either the


"WKO Covid-19 Awareness Award online examination"


"WKO Covid-19 Infection Control Measures for

Dojos, Gyms & Instructors"


The minimum pass mark required for both is 100%


These courses are FREE and there is no limit to the amount of times you can take them. Our aim is increase your understanding of Covid-19 to help protect yourself & others.


Once you have achieved the required passmark of 100% WKO will publish your online "digital" certificate below in the achiever tabs.


(If you would not like your certificate to be published contact us and we shall remove your certificate)


Good luck and thank your taking the time to undertake the


WKO Covid-19 Awareness Award


WKO Covid-19 Infection Control Measures for

Dojos, Gyms & Instructors"


These are free courses to undertake 


The material provided in these courses are intended to provide the participant with increased awareness, knowledge & understanding of the current guidelines surrounding Covid-19. These are a none-regulated award and does not provide the participant with a qualification.


All content, text and images for courses is taken directly from current government guidance, June 2020.

WKO Covid-19 Awareness Award course
WKO Covid-19 Infection Control Measures course
WKO Risk Assessment Checklist Below

UK 2021 Return to Play

12th April 2021 it has been announced in the UK that we can open our centres/gyms after months again of being closed.


WKO has implemented many free training systems to prepare centres/gyms for reopening.


We are excited to offer even more FREE resources with our Covid-19 secure centre posters for display around your centre/gym.


Simply download the below PDF's and post them around to centre/gym, to do what you can to limit the increase/spread of infection.

Bespoke Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS)

Here at WKO we understand its hard and also expensive for clubs to have RAMS in place. Fear not WKO have done the leg work for you, simply follow the steps on WKO RAMS Generator which takes 5 Minutes to do. Then what would take you hours to create is all done for you.


Its each persons of responsibility to follow and implement the Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS) The generator creates your documents from the answers you submit.


As WKO are endorsing you and your centre from the answers you submit, we also publicise them. We do this FREE of charge and all RAMS can be downloaded and printed when you like at no charge.


Click below to submit your generator then see when we publish them.

WKO Return to Play

(UK Model)

Bespoke Action PLan,

Risk Assessment &

Method Statements (RAMS)

As the UK is getting ready for the "Return to Play" for contact/combat sports in 2021. WKO have put forwards our Action plan to Return to Play @ Sport England. This will also cover what is required for UK wide return to combat sports. Although a UK plan Covid-19 is a global pandemic and as such all plans & RAMS will be useful globally.


Once Sport England have approved our Governing Body Action Plan for the return to play the RAMS generator tool will be live for event organisers to use to plan their events in line with return to play requirements.


Here at WKO we understand its hard and also expensive for event organisers to have RAMS in place. Fear not WKO have done the leg work for you, simply follow the steps on WKO RAMS Generator which takes 5 Minutes to do. Then what would take you hours to create is all done for you.


Its each event organisers of responsibility to follow and implement their Action Plan. Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS) The generator creates your documents from the answers you submit.


As WKO are endorsing you and your event from the answers you submit, we also publicise them. We do this FREE of charge and all RAMS can be downloaded and printed when you like at no charge.


Click below to submit your generator then see when we publish them.

WKO Return to Play (UK Model)

Endorsed Return To Play Action Plans For Your Club:

As the UK is getting ready for the "Return to Play" for contact/combat sports in 2021. WKO have put forwards our Action plan to Return to Play @ Sport England. This will also cover what is required for UK wide return to combat sports. Although a UK plan Covid-19 is a global pandemic and as such all plans & RAMS will be useful globally.


Once Sport England have approved our Governing Body Action Plan for the return to play the below safety plan tool will be live for club owners to use to plan their clubs in line with return to play requirements.


WKO have done the leg work for you, simply read the safety plan and if you agree to abide by it, print it out and add your clubs details on the front page. Then what would taken you hours to create is all done for you in seconds.


Its each club owners  responsibility to follow and implement and understand the Safety Action Plan. The above Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS) The generator creates your documents from the answers you submit.


We do this FREE of charge and all plans can be downloaded and printed when you like at no charge.


These can then be kept in your club and shown to local authorities as proof you have implemented and are adhering to a safe action plan for the return to play of Martial Arts.


As they will feature your clubs details on the front page.


Click below to submit your generator then see when we publish them.

Watch The Support Presentation Below

England Kickboxing © 2017 

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